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The Indian Guide to Choosing Your Ideal Domain Name

It’s safe to say that choosing the right domain name is an important part of any new project. So how can you ensure you make the right choice? Tips that are specifically catered to Indian businesses and individuals in order to help you find a domain name that will improve your brand, drive traffic, and increase your bottom line. Your domain name is the key branding element for any business and, if chosen wisely, will stay with you for years, maybe even a lifetime.

Before going into the process of selecting an excellent domain, let us clarify what it is.

Online addresses such as and are domain names used to access company websites, news sources, and any other gems (or oddities!) the Internet may have.

In technical terms, a domain name is a string of characters that, through a DNS service, computer systems connected to the Internet may translate into an electronic address known as an Internet Protocol, or IP, address.

Through a domain name registration provider like Web Hosting India, available domain names can be registered for a cost each year and for a duration of one to ten years. Once registered, you can pay its renewal fee to keep your domain active indefinitely.

Exploring the Parts of a Domain Name

Domain Name: The special address, such as “,” that distinguishes your website. It consists of an extension and a name.

Name: The primary domain name portion, to the left of the dot, sometimes known as the second-level domain, or SLD. Get creative—you can register any name that is offered under a particular extension! It is not case-sensitive and is limited to letters, digits, and hyphens. It is limited to 253 characters (having one that lengthy would not be feasible!).

Extension: The last part of a domain name, like.COM, on the right. Another name for it is a top-level domain, or TLD. There are currently over a thousand TLDs accessible, some are limited based on a person’s occupation or place of residence, but the majority are public and open to anyone.

Subdomain: Neither the domain name registration process nor your domain name include this. Don’t worry about this, from your webhosting account, you may establish as many subdomains as you like!

You will be looking for a name and extension combination that isn’t already reserved by someone else when choosing a new domain name. Although you have a lot of creative freedom when choosing a name, the extensions that registries (the organizations that oversee domain extensions) offer will restrict your options.

If it’s accessible, I could, for instance, register as my domain name, but no registry has generated the domain extension.I’m not allowed to have the domain name MyDomain, supercool.Super Chill

After learning about the many components of a domain name, let’s move on to the important task of choosing the ideal name.

Tips for Choosing a Great Domain Name

  1. Mention your brand

Try to incorporate the name of your brand into your domain. It will maintain your domain’s clarity and simplicity while contributing to its memorability.

For instance, even if contains keywords, is a more successful domain name for the webhosting brand than it is.

  1. Make it descriptive and intuitive

Don’t leave guests in suspense! Make your domain name easier to type and reflect the core values of your company to increase its memorability. One way to achieve this is by using helpful keywords that people might use to look for websites similar to yours.

Among the instances are:

Here are a few helpful tools to find the most common keywords:

Use Google Trends to find out what is popular and which keywords are trending in relation to it.

Ubersuggest: Find out how many times a specific keyword is searched for each month along with some related suggestions.

Although you might be tempted to stuff your domain with keywords, Google has significantly reduced the weight it gives to keywords in recent years. However, when used as anchor texts in links, keywords contained in domains still benefit SEO.

  1. and.COM domains.

When conducting business in India, Indian consumers respond more favorably to domains ending most well-known and widely used option globally is COM. If possible, we highly advise you to try and obtain both of them.

If the majority of your business is conducted in India, domain extension might be a better option for you because it will instantly identify you as an Indian company, unlike an Indian rival who might be using a.COM domain.

  1. Don’t make it too short; just right.

Long names are more likely to be misspelled and might be challenging to recall. For optimal results, try to select a domain with fewer than 20 characters. However, stay away from employing slang or abbreviations that could make your domain longer but more difficult to spell.

For instance, even though is shorter, is a better option.

Remember that finding the domain online will get more difficult the shorter the domain gets. In the most popular extensions, nearly every 3- and 4-letter domain variation is already taken, and 5-letter domains are also rather rare.

  1. Think about distinct domains for each language.

Do you speak English with guests? If so, either register two domains, one in each language, or attempt to discover a domain that could be used in both languages (very difficult, in some situations).

The Indian Bay corporation, the oldest corporation in India, divides its website into multiple languages under one domain, (English).

Additionally, keep in mind that Indian English spelling occasionally varies from that of American or British English. Make sure the terms you’ve selected are appropriate for the market you want to target, and think about registering every possible spelling variation for your domain.

  1. Use Domain Extensions Creatively

Use your imagination with any of the hundreds of new domain extensions that are now accessible if your domain isn’t available or if you want to stand out with something distinctive. Go through our domain extension categories, like “Food and Drink” or “Services,” to find more alternatives that are tailored to your web project.

Here are a few imaginative instances:

I adore


When you search for domains other than the “traditional” extensions, you’ll see that the availability of domains increases significantly.

  1. Make Pronouncing It Simple

Not only would an easily pronounceable domain be easier to give verbally in person or over the phone, but it will also be more remembered and positively associated with your brand. People should be able to grasp your domain without you having to spell it.

It is best to avoid using slang, hyphens, or digits as these can cause misunderstandings when spoken. For example, would you automatically think of “” if someone told you that there were amazing offers at “get more for less dot in”? Most likely not.

Consider registering both the word and numerical versions of your domain, such as and, if you do choose to utilize numbers.

  1. Fashion It for Local Search

If you’re targeting a specific area (which you almost always should be!), adding in the city, region or province will help people know right away what area you serve and could increase relevance.

Examples include:


  1. Avoid Trademarks

There’s a chance that your domain name violates the trademark of another company. You may still be sued for using the domain name by another company even after you’ve registered it. This can result in expensive legal disputes or force you to give up your domain name and go through the entire process again.

Generally speaking, avoid using another company’s trademark in your domain name or causing any misunderstanding with another company’s brand (including by using misspellings or typos). If you’re looking for registered trademarks, you may also check the Indian Trademark Database.

  1. Protect Your Brand and your Visitors

After deciding on your main domain name, you should think about securing it by registering any related secondary domains. These are referred to be defensive registrations, and they shield you from possible issues like rivals or, worse, hackers, taking advantage of your success and possibly siphoning off some of the traffic to your website.

Many forms exist for defensive registrations, however the following are the most typical:

widely used extensions. If it’s feasible, think about registering your domain with each of the following “classic” extensions:.IN,.COM,.NET,.ORG, and.CO.

typos. Even among those who can spell correctly, errors inevitably occur. Examine the most frequently misspelled words and think about registering well-liked variations.

Options. If you registered a name like, you might want to think about registering versions like or Bilingual, as plurals and possessives can be confusing. It’s a wise idea to register your domain in French even if your website is just in English since you could ultimately wish to expand into the French Canadian market.

Bear in mind that defense registration charges may mount up quickly, with an average price tag domain each year. Your risk tolerance, the amount of money your website is bringing in, and the value of the brand you are employing will all influence how much you should spend on it.

  1. Make Use of a Powerful Domain Spinner


It doesn’t follow that someone hasn’t already registered a particular domain name just because it doesn’t have an active website. Because it offers domain recommendations and alternatives, a provider’s domain availability search tool—often referred to as a domain spinner—is the most accurate approach to find out if the domain is actually available for registration.

A competent domain spinner ought to:

Give quick access to the domain you looked for.

Look up several extensions for your domain and make recommendations.

Make it simple and quick for anyone to register one or many domains.

Reduce pointless distractions, like service upsells.

The Indian domain search tool assists you in locating the ideal domains for your requirements by offering quick results and searches through the most popular extensions.


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